- Our education system is universally criticized for a number of gaps in our examination system.
- It is criticized for not keeping pace with the demand of the outside world, for not being scientific and comprehensive for not considering the practical skills required for good adjustment and for its traditional methods of measurements.
- Time and again various committees and commissions have tried to address the inherent malice in the examination system but for our conventional thinking nothing fruitful has resulted in this direction.
- NCF 2005 also emphasized the need for reforms in present examination system by making them child friendly and stress free. Hence it is felt that it is high time that we have a serious look in to the issue and bring about some changes taking off its demerits for making examinations an important tool in assessment of child.
- As part of this the SCERT has conducted a number of meetings, seminars and workshops on examination reforms. The government of A.P. issued G.O.M.S. 122 dated: – 5-10-2005 and constituted a core committee to examine the issues of introduction of grading system and other reforms in examinations. In continuation of this a meeting was organized in SCERT on 6-12-2010. Involving the experts from state and national levels.
- Our entire education system is centered around examinations.
- Evaluation means to conduct the examination and to give marks and ranks to students. Student’s knowledge is often limited to by hearting and reproducing the same in the examinations. Their innate talents are not recognized; instead their capability in writing examination is being tested. It is restricted to only by- hearting /rote memory.
- There is no uniformity in evaluation. different types of evaluation systems are prevailing in different Boards i.e. Government, ICSE, CBSE etc. There is no flexibility in the conducting of tests. It is rigid Board examinations are only helping in classifying students as meritorious and slow- learners i.e. in turn pass/ fail This leads to unhealthy discrimination.
- The tests and examinations conducted at present are only testing the memory power of the students; they are not measuring the higher order skills of learning. like analysis synthesis and problem solving.
- The examinations are mechanical Correcting and posting of marks is done routinely. There is no scope for remedial teaching and testing to know how far a student is lagging behind. Examinations are not helping in assessing the all-round development of the student that is co- curriculum social personal qualities and health status and also they are not helping to testing their level of competency.
Reforms proposed in the examination system
- To follow what is espoused in RTE 2009. Evaluation should have a broader framework and it should not be limited to examinations alone. Exams should include students displays, projects, seminars, collection of information and reports.
- The examinations should not create fear or stress to the student
- Evaluation should be continuous and comprehensive and it should be the part and parcel of daily teaching learning process. It should not restrict to rote – memory.
- When construction of knowledge becomes primary in curriculum the evaluation should be continuous and comprehensive i.e. along with the teaching – learning process.
- The assessment should be based on day to day activities.
- The examinations should not be restricted / limited to writing but extended to assessment tools like observation, discussion, note- taking / recording, collection of opinions etc. the assessment should not only be teacher – based but also on peer groups, parents and other.
The day to day teaching learning process depends on the experiences of the children. So students participation should be there in this teaching – learning process. Their knowledge, understanding and their application skills should be assessed. Therefore the teachers can record this information in their teachers’ dairies and manuals.
There should be co- ordination among learning evaluation and objectives. Students note books, their written exhibits and all their other objects should be treated as assessment tools. For self- evaluation of students, quality remarks check – list should be utilized. There is no need to test all the teaching items taught in the classroom. But only some important items must be checked comprehensively at random. After evaluation action plan should be prepared for improvement of the child.
Reforms suggested in examinations
- Examinations are a part of evaluation system.
- Instead of 3terminal examinations, 2 should be conducted.
- A test is to be conducted after completion of every unit; with this we will know the children’s achievements and their level. It helps to know the competency level of the child for remedial teaching.
- The most important item in the test is the nature of questions. They should be above the level of rote- learning.
- The open – ended questions which allow the students to think and write and express their views on their own should be given importance. To evaluate these questions the indicators should be prepared.
- Entrance examinations and Board examinations are to be abolished.
- Teachers are to be encouraged to prepare their own question – papers to conduct examinations.
- In –service training programmes should conducted for teachers to develop their ability to make question papers innovatively.
- They must be given adequate skills to prepare Question – Banks.
- Open book system is to be introduced for languages and social studies. The same test paper is to be used after re – teaching and relearning for slow –learners /non achiever.
Evaluation in co- curricular activities like art and games
The tools/techniques like rating scales, checklists, observation techniques, interviews are to be used to assess the co-curricular activities like physical education, social, personal qualities, art, games, health and sports. The same things should be recorded in the progress reports of the students through grades. The school-implemented activities like wall- magazines, student dairies and teacher dairies and teacher dairies are also to be evaluated.
After conducting the examinations the students progress is to be communicated to their parents as per the RTE Act 2009 children’s’ progress and achievement should also be displayed online.
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